

weekend was our annual highly-anticipated trip to the Brooklyn Botanical Garden’s
Chili Pepper Festival. Every year we start the day with Bloody Mary’s and breakfasty
fare, which goes on for about 2-3 hours. We then head to the festival and stick
around for about an hour before needing to eat non chili-spiked food and head
to a Mexican restaurant or make an embarrassing amount of popcorn while
watching movie trailers. All good things!
year was no different except a baby was part of our group for a while which I
feel is an ongoing trend.
Shawn and I had “date night” at Broccolino in Park Slope and then I made the
truly terrible decision to have a pumpkin pie martini nightcap. Bailey’s after 9:00
P.M. is never a good idea.
I was justifiably “at rest”.
hope everyone had a great weekend!

I couldn’t agree more.
We like to sit at the bar so we can touch knees…adorable?!
A very Brooklyn bagel + Bloody breakfast
I made these!
A semi-homemade classic.

Neutral tanks are all the rage.
Everyone loves this guy.
We actually got nachos + tacos instead
To be perfectly honest, on Sunday I actually simultaneously watched Bridesmaids while jumping around my living room with Shaun T.

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