

My favorite restaurant on the trip: chicken at its best

One of my 6,000 cappuccinos

Le Tour Eiffel

Trying out the one-piece trend on my new Turkish Towel

The Parte Vieja in San Sebastian


Our first day in Biarritz

The Mini Palais, where Marie Antoinette would pretend she was poor

 A snack

Outside our hotel in San Sebastian, ready for the beach.

Our last day of the trip next to the Seine in Paris

Finger food in Biarritz
Sunset in San Sebastian
and I just got back from our “luna de miel” in Paris, Biarritz in San
Sebastian. The trip was a wild success with hours spent eating baguettes and
gelato and (almost) minimal shopping. The romantic atmosphere in Paris, the
beach in Biarrtiz, and the pintxos (Basque for tapas) in San Sebastian couldn’t
be a better combination.
1.       I always forget to pack
neutrals, I even have a semi-famous trip where I only packed things that were
teal (TEAL!). So for this trip I made sure to pack plenty of neutrals, so many
in fact I had five gray shirts, 2 white shirts, and 2 black shirts. Next time I
vow to mix it up a bit more and pack more of my favorite: neon pink.
2.       The overnight flight to
Europe was a snoozy one and the breakfast food was absolutely edible. The way
home, not so much. The jumbo bag of Haribo and chocolate malt balls I bought
for the plan hardly sustained my appetite after “lunch” turned out to be
tortellini stuffed with what looked like Gak. Bring snacks if you aren’t doing
an overnight flight!
3.       My jean jacket killed it.
The two of us have never been closer. Thank you GAP.

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