
Sharing is the New Shopping

am sort of an expert sharer, and am attracted to other excellent sharers. I
shared EVERYTHING with my sisters growing up (we were unknowingly sharing a
toothbrush for months), shared mascara and jeans with my college roommate, and underwear
and spray butter with my after-college roommates. Living with Shawn we share
things like the couch and windex…which is exorbitantly less fun/exciting/potentially
unsterile that all of the weird stuff I have shared with sisters and
sister-friends over the years. However moving out of girlfriend world doesn’t
mean I can’t wander back in when I’m in need of some wardrobing.
bought this baby with the intention of me wearing it to a wedding I had coming
up. If that isn’t selfless shopping and sharing I don’t know what is. She had
just returned an Elizabeth and James we’ve both worn at least twice, and I’m
sure I’ll have another dress to borrow or lend within the next few months.
are best for sharing advice, bottles of wines, and killer dresses. 

I got a ton of compliments, Shawn LOVED it, and its on sale here.

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